Monday, October 4, 2010

Here and there.

I'm here now, you are there.

When its time to wish me good night here, its time for me to wish you a good morning there.
When I'm having my lunch here, it will be your dinner there.
Its the distance and time that separates us.

But that doesn't mean i have forgotten you. :(

Dad, Mommy
I'm sorry for whatever I have done that make you angry. I know I'm not the best daughter i could be, but i would never let you guys.I promise. Thank you for giving me the best in everything.. I love you.

My sisters
I miss you both! I will miss the time we3 slept in the same room,taking turns to NOT sleep in the middle. lol

Thank you, thank you for always fetching us around. You're the coolest uncle i have. :)
We owe you a big big ice cream!

Yipakpak & yipakleong
I know I'm your favorite niece. I'm your god-daughter. Thank you so much for loving me as your own, supporting me financially too.

My big family
They are the best, are always there for me, always supporting me and always believing in me.
I'm sure i didn't disappoint you.

Kar Yee
You're the best ever friend i can have. You're always there for me, advising me and giving me your piece of knowledge. Thank you so much. Friends for 12years and still counting no matter where we are.

I miss you so much. I miss your laughter. You're in Canada now, somehow closer than me than home. I hope you're enjoying Canada as much as I do here.

The girls
12/12 and just us girls. We been friends such a long time and yet,we manage to stay together. Ups and downs, we are still friends. Partying, clubbing, and all those crazy moments with you girls are wonderful. I'm going to miss it so much.

You guys are my second I'm sure I'm going to miss you all like crazy. Craziness, laughter, silliness, support, love and care ; you guys never fail to give. I love you all so much!!

My hotsexymachobumblebee. Thank you for showing me how to care, to love, to give and take. I know that you always care for me. From you, i get to grow, i get to be stronger. Thank you for everything. love.

Although we don't see each other that often, but when we do, we will share our life stories with each other. Being crazy and stupid like we used too. I miss you. Stay happy and stay true. x)

You guys are the closest i have in Sheffield. Thank you taking care of me. I know i would mess up the kitchen while trying to help to cook.

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