Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dead on the Road

For the first ever time...

My car got break down and no, not those typical lily 'mati engine' kinda break down. This time it is more like, die-in-the-middle-of-the-road-and-i-still-cant-start-my-engine-back-on kind of break down =x

Urmm..the reason? I forgot to bump my petrol=.=. well,not that i forgot, the petrol bar is blinking and is left one bar, but yet still drove all the way from sunway and back. I just dont like pumping petrol, rather my dad go pump for me. So yeah, guess this is the consequences.=(

I almost reach home, was waiting for the traffic light to turn green so i could speed off back to give my bro the car. and yet, suddenly it just break down and i couldnt start my engine at all.=x Right IN FRONT of the traffic light.
So you could imagine my car blocking the whole road,got honk by all cars that passes by me. Embarrassing..that i didnt even dare to get down from my car. I started calling everyone, my dad, my mom, mybro, liki and kp. lolx..yeah, thankfuly..liki's house is just up the hill, she came and rescue me before i got eaten up by those car bullies! ='(

Phone conversation i had.

me: Mi, my car break down.what to do? i'm stuck in the middle of the road.
mom : I don't know, call your dad.

me: Pa, my car break down. what to do? Car no petrol la.
dad: huh?!! I told you to pump petrol, you dont want..blablablabla..=x ask MC to cycle to the petrol station and buy you petrol then cycle back to you. i cant drive back.i'm in office. call your mom.

me: MC, papa asked you to cycle to petrol station buy for me petrol. my car die near liki's house.
mc: haa? crazy ah..i'm not far! ask liki lah..

me: Liki, you free a? my car die in the middle of the road near your house. Can help me a? Fetch me to buy petrol with my bro.
Liki: Where are you? Okay, i'l get ready and come get you.

Oooohhh..i LOVEEEEEEE you so so much! after many phonecalls, you're my savior! xoxo!

While waiting for her, and my car is still in the middle, honking the whole road. i dont dare to push my car alone to a side=S...a lorry driver was kind enough, i mean REALLY KIND to push my car to a side, while i'm just in there er..controlling the steering! =) maygodblesshim!

Then, Liki arrived, i left my car and we went to buy petrol together with my bro. We went back to my car. MC started pouring the petrol simply into the tank, yeah..wasting all the petrol leaking out of the car..wonder it ever gonna explode. Well, while we're er..struggling to do so, i guess some ppl enjoy watching us screaming at the side road.=x arghh..

Finally, everything is okay. Mc try started the car..we cleaned up the petrol that all over the car and the road. Then, we head home. =)


sorry for making you late=(

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