Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy endingXD!

Aawwww... lurvee is in the air..
I'm so happy for them!!
Finally one of my cousins..actually the 2nd cousin get married!!

okie..i was late,supposed to be at my aunt's hse to help out. darn..i couldn't get up early..the last nite was my promtay! BUT at least i was still early then the othersXD..and the bride wasn't here yet..
Like any other typically chinese family, we have our tea ceromony at my aunt's place..

the bridegroom and his boyss

tea ceromony

wait till u see the wedding dinner....

It was superduperly amazing!
They had it at erm, a top 5star hotel..what do u expect...both are doctors.i wana have a richy rich husband!!
All relatives are there with their grand dresses and jewelerries...
Little kids are running here and there..and i'm actually late=S and my cousins are actually taking our own sweet time changing n dressing up at the suite there...till we dint realise the time!
By the time we get there..almost half of the guest haf arrived!
And we supposed to
help out with the chaperoning thing...=x

It was fun.

This is the 1st time that everyone from all around the world came back in this 'earth' for this wedding..XD

..silly cousins..
i'm glad to have all of you guys here

my niece whu lurvee me...~=)

aww...she sayang me.
and i sayang her too..
she's the bridegroom's mom

i know wad'cha thinking..
and NO..i'm not trying to steal his wain to drink..
I err...just not letting him drunk=))

....this picture proof nothing..

i aint an alcoholic.bluek

they are all sober and tipsy...

when they get sober&drunk,
you could do anyting to them!
and this is how we help to wake them out!
Is a really a good remedy=p

look how 'energised' he is XD!

lurveee them all xD

..the drunktards cousins..

dats all folks..

may god bless them both happily ever after=)


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