To start thinking about the future, and to reflect back the past memories...
People say,
don't look back..and just walk forward, as there is nothing left to look back for.I don't agree with it, have to face the future, to continue to walk forward and never to regret anything that had pass..
But i would want to just stop, stop by at a red traffic light, to stop and reflect back all the memories and past that i have been through that makes me able to live stronger another year.2009 is has been different from the other previous year,since i'm in primary to highschool, i been with the same bunch of friends, my 12/12 and all. But 2009, that's the year when i able to step out, be brave to search around to make my own friends in a college,i know no one.. Its hard for me to make new friends, i'm scared at first as people may just jugde someone, but as i know them, i can be as crazy as er...hyena can be.=x and i'm lucky i went to Sunway, to Ausmat, in March intake and taking the subject i'm taking and able to get to know all my friends there. Yes, although is a short period, it may not go even a year yet, i think=x but we been seeing each other in college for like 24/7,been doing alot of activities together and in that short little period, people from random places able to be good and great friend. I miss you guys!! I know i was always saying that all of you are missing me,but actually fatty misses you much, just shy to say it out loud=p
Honesty, i'm grateful for all of you guys to being here beside me. i'm so lazy to explain the goodness of each of you guys, cause i know you know that i know=)...
Promtay, thanks for supporing me
during PD
Kenneth Shark
the big bimbo boy
yet,very good in girly stuff
Xian Jin
Back in the days..
Scholarship Awards
Beatrice's birthday
Lunch time in Pyramid
Jordan's Birthday
Jia Hoe's birthday
Traditional Days
KP's Birthday
Ming Hoe's birthday
PD trip
Ausmat's night
the end